Short one today. For another robotics project I’m working on I needed an easy way to mount multiple ultrasonic sensors to the chassis. This mount was designed to be screwed directly to the chassis, whilst allowing the actual sensor to clip in without a permanent fixing.
STS Pi Adapters
These next two prints were a little less ambitious than the Unicorn HAT diffuser. Needing a little platform to experiment with robotics I bought a STS-Pi kit with the intention of mounting a Raspberry Pi Zero (with Explorer pHAT) on it to make a teeny rover. I didn’t realise until I received it, that it’s designed to bolt a full size Raspberry Pi directly to the chassis and while you can mount a Pi Zero, you’d need extra bolts to mount one in it’s case. Not wanting to ditch a case (or buy any extra bolts), I set about designing something to fix the problem. (more…)
Unicorn HAT diffuser
I own a lot of HATs for my Raspberry Pi. Between the Unicorn HAT, Scroll pHAT and Blinkt! you might say I’m addicted to LEDs but I’ve recently managed to find a new addiction in 3D printing.
Whilst the Unicorn HAT is a lovely, colourful, 8×8 matrix, the individual NeoPixels are naturally round and quite bright. Needing to get to grips with our Maker Space’s 3D printer I decided a good first project would be a diffuser that would turn those circular LEDs into square ‘pixels’.