With all of the Chronometer PCBs assembled this post takes a look at some of the animations I’ve created to show it off.
Battlestar Chronometer v2 – Reference
This post provides instructions for using the Battlestar Chronometer PCB.
(more…)PCB Pin Badges – 65 Blinky

While I’m struggling to find the time to finish assembling the Chronometers, I did manage to throw together a new pin badge – this time with blinking LEDs!
(more…)Battlestar Chronometer v2 (Part 3 – Assembly)

The Easter Bank Holiday weekend was the perfect opportunity to get through a lot of soldering.
(more…)Battlestar Chronometer v2 (Part 1)

At the culmination of what I’ll now call “version 1” of the Battlestar Chronometer, I highlighted a few things that I’d like to improve in a future version. It didn’t take long for me to start on “version 2”.
(more…)BSG Chronometer (Part 4 – Finale?)

It’s been a couple of years since I last posted about my Battlestar Galactica Chronometer. In this post I’ll wrap up all of the progress since then and hopefully bring the project to an end.
(more…)PCB Pin Badges – Clamps SAO

I’ve been wanting to revisit my original Clamps pin badge for a while and replace the 5mm through-hole LEDs with reverse mounted SMD LEDs like my more recent Skeletor and Roberto PCBs.
Despite getting pretty close to sending the design off for fabrication, I was concerned that the product just wasn’t different enough from the existing Clamps design. So I decided to create my first Simple Add-On!
(more…)DIY Ambilight – Update
I’ve been working on the Prismatik code to get it ready to go back onto the main branch so I thought I’d post a little update.