While I’m struggling to find the time to finish assembling the Chronometers, I did manage to throw together a new pin badge – this time with blinking LEDs!
PCB Pin Badges – Clamps SAO

I’ve been wanting to revisit my original Clamps pin badge for a while and replace the 5mm through-hole LEDs with reverse mounted SMD LEDs like my more recent Skeletor and Roberto PCBs.
Despite getting pretty close to sending the design off for fabrication, I was concerned that the product just wasn’t different enough from the existing Clamps design. So I decided to create my first Simple Add-On!
(more…)Xmas Fireplace Ornament PCB

Inspired by seeing Xmas-themed-PCBs all over Twitter, an idea popped into my head. Two days later, I’d sent off a new PCB for manufacture.
(more…)PCBWay Fabrication

As I mentioned in the previous post I’ve been waiting on an order of Skeletor badges from PCBWay. I’m pleased to say they’ve arrived, so here’s a quick update.
PCB Pin Badges – Skeletor

In previous posts I’ve talked about some of the difficulties I’ve had converting vector drawings to PCB layouts in Eagle. After discovering a video by Twinkle Twinkie where he shows off his workflow I thought I’d follow along and see what came out. The result is the Skeletor “Myah!” badge.
(more…)DirtyPCBs Fabrication (Update)
After selling all of the first batch of PCBs from DirtyPCBs, I put in an order for a second batch. They arrived this week so I thought I’d put together a quick update.
PCB Pin Badges – Clamps 2.0 (Part 2)

Just in time for the weekend all the parts for version 2 of my Clamps badge arrived!
Here’s a look at the bare PCB from OSHPark – annoyingly I had issues with the front ENIG finish on two of the badges, and the front soldermask on all three to varying degrees. OSHPark have sent some replacements off for fabrication but I decided to press ahead with the best of the bunch.